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    SBI PO Recruitment 2023

    SBI PO 2023 exam will be conducted by State Bank of India (SBI) to select eligible candidates to the post of Probationary Officers (PO). SBI PO is one of the most coveted jobs in Banking industry and a dream job for millions of aspirants across India. SBI PO is considered as a premium job opportunity in Banking sector because of following reasons:

    • • Brand value of SBI and reputation associated with SBI PO post
    • • Lucrative pay scale which is highest among PSU Banks
    • • Growth opportunities where even a PO can progress to the level of Chairperson
    • • Job satisfaction and social prestige

    SBI PO 2023 Notification

    The SBI PO 2023-22 Notification is expected to be released in the month of September / October 2023 to recruit 2000 Probationary Officers (PO) in different offices of SBI in India. SBI PO 2023 Exam Dates, Online Application & other details will be released along with its official notification. This recruitment process wiill be started for the selection of candidates to the post of PO in State Bank of India and its Associate banks. The candidates selected are liable to be posted anywhere in India. The official notification PDF for SBI PO last year exam is mentioned below.

    SBI PO Official Notification 2023

    All Eligible and interested Candidates are required to register online for the recruitment process. The 3-tier selection process consists of Preliminary and Main Exams which will be conducted online, followed by Interview. Candidates must pass each exam to get shortlisted and progress to the next stage. Final selection will be based on merit.

    SBI PO 2023 Exam Summary
    All important points related to SBI PO 2023 exam are highlighted below:
    Name of Exam State Bank of India Probationary Officers Exam (2023)
    Conducting Body State Bank of India
    Periodicity Annually
    Exam Level National
    Mode of Applicaion Online
    Mode of Exam Online (CBT)
    Exam Rounds 3 (Prelims + Mains + Interview)
    Exam Dates Prelims: -----
    Mains: -----
    Expected Candidates 9-10 lakhs
    Available Seats 2000+
    Job Location Across India
    Official Website
    SBI PO Helpline 022 – 2282 0427


    SBI PO Vacancy 2023

    SBI PO 2023 Vacancy will have been announced along with SBI PO 2023 Notification. Last year, the State Bank of India had announced a total vacancy of 2000 posts of Probationary Officers.

    Let's have a look at the SBI PO Vacancies for last year:

    SBI PO Vacancy
    Category Vacancy Backlog Total
    SC 300 - 300
    ST 150 - 150
    OBC 540 - 540
    EWS 200 -
    GEN 810 - 810
    Total 2000 - 2000
    SBI PO Vacancy (PwD Category)
    Category Vacancy Backlog Total
    LD 20 - 20
    VI 20 - 20
    HI 20 49 69
    d & e 20 7 27

    *VI: Vision Impairment
    *HI: Hearing Impairment
    *LD: Learning Disabilities

    SBI PO 2023 Exam Dates

    SBI PO 2023 Exam Date

    State Bank of India (SBI) will release the Exam Dates for SBI PO 2023 exam along with its official notification. Candidates are advised to visit this page regularly to remain updated about SBI PO 2023 Exam. The exam schedule for SBI PO 2023 Exam will be updated below. Let's have a look at the tentative dates for SBI PO 2023 exam.

    SBI PO 2023-22 Exam Schedule
    SBI PO Activity Dates
    SBI PO Notification Sep / Oct 2023
    On-line Registration Starts From Sep / Oct 2023
    Last Date to Pay Fee Oct 2023
    PET Call Letter -----
    Conduct of Pre- Examination Training -----
    Download Admit Card for Prelims Exam -----
    SBI PO Exam Date- Preliminary -----
    Results of Online Exams Preliminary -----
    Download of Call letter for preliminary exams -----
    SBI PO Exam Date – Mains -----
    Result of Online Examination – Main -----
    Download Call letter for personal Interview -----
    Conduct of Group Exercises & Interview -----
    Declaration of Final Result -----


    SBI PO Recruitment 2023

    SBI PO 2023 exam will be conducted by State Bank of India (SBI) to select eligible candidates to the post of Probationary Officers (PO). SBI PO is one of the most coveted jobs in Banking industry and a dream job for millions of aspirants across India. SBI PO is considered as a premium job opportunity in Banking sector because of following reasons:

    • • Brand value of SBI and reputation associated with SBI PO post
    • • Lucrative pay scale which is highest among PSU Banks
    • • Growth opportunities where even a PO can progress to the level of Chairperson
    • • Job satisfaction and social prestige

    SBI PO exam consists of 3 phases – Prelims, Mains and GD/ Interview round. Before beginning with your preparation, you should get an idea about the latest updates, selection procedure, eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, previous year cut off etc. Please go through this article to get all the important information for the SBI PO 2023 Exam

    SBI PO 2023 Exam Pattern

    SBI PO 2023 Exam Pattern

    The SBI PO selection process consists of 3 stages. The written examinations are conducted online, followed by an interview round. The structure of exams is as follows:

    Phase-1: SBI PO Preliminary Examination

    This is an online examination where the candidates must solve the question paper in one 1 hour for 100 marks. The test consists of 3 sections. Candidates must know that the sectional cut-off in the Preliminary Exam has been removed and the overall score of all the sections will be considered for selection to the next round. The cut-off or minimum passing marks for each section is decided by the Bank each year depending on the difficult of the test. The section-wise division of the marks is given below:

    S.No. Name of Tests(Objective) No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
    1 English Language 30 30 20 Minutes
    2 Numerical Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
    3 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 Minutes
    Total 100 100 1 Hour

    Number of Attempts

    SBI PO 2023- Number of Attempts

    A candidate cannot have as many attempts as a candidate requires. The following chart can easily give an idea about the number of attempts to any aspiring candidate who has an aim to crack SBI PO 2023 Exams

    Category Number of Attempts
    General 4
    Gen (PWD) 7
    OBC 7
    OBC (PWD) 7
    SC/ST No Limit
    SC(PWD)/ST (PWD) No Limit

    Points to remember

    There are a few points to remember about the restrictions of attempts-
    1. The number of attempts has been decided as per the Category of the candidates.
    2. The candidates who have crossed the Age Limit are ineligible to apply.
    3. The number of attempts will be counted from the examination held on and after 18.04.2010.
    4. Appearing in Preliminary Examination will not be counted as a chance.


    SBI PO Eligibility Criteria 2023

    SBI PO Eligibility Criteria 2023 will be declared with the official date of release of the Application Form. Those candidates who are appearing in SBI PO Prelims or Main should know every detailed description of SBI PO Eligibility Criteria 2023 because if at any stage it is found that any candidate fails to meet the criteria, his/her application will be discarded right away. Check out SBI PO 2023 Exam Date.

    SBI PO 2023- Nationality

    Candidates applying for SBI PO Exam should be one of the following:
    1. Citizen of India
    2. The subject of Nepal or Bhutan
    3. Tibetan refugees who came to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanent settlement.
    4. Person of Indian Origin (PIO) who has migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam or East African countries of Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Malawi, with the intention of permanent settlement in India Candidates belonging to the category 2, 3, 4 must have a certificate of eligibility issued by the Govt. of India in their favor.

    SBI PO 2023- Age Limits and Relaxations

    The age limit for every candidate is 21 to 30 years for general candidates. But there are relaxations for other categories:

    Category Age Relaxation
    General Category 0 years
    Scheduled Caste(SC) 5 years
    Scheduled Tribe (ST) 5 years
    People affected by the 1984 riots 5 years
    Kashmiri Migrants 5 years
    Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 years
    PWD (Gen/EWS) 10 years
    PWD (SC/ST) 15 years
    PWD (OBC) 13 years
    Ex-servicemen, ECOs, SSCOs who have rendered 5 years of military service. 5 years

    SBI PO 2023- Educational Qualification

    Candidates who are aiming to apply for the SBI PO Exam 2023 and filling up the online Application Form, should meet any of the Educational Criteria listed below.
    1. Candidates having any Graduation or equivalent degree in any discipline from any University/ Educational Institution which has been recognized by Central Government is eligible to apply for SBI PO Exam 2023.
    2. Candidates who are in their final year/semester also can fill the SBI PO 2023 Application Form. But they have to show the passing certificate of that particular degree mentioned in the Application Form which has been issued before August 31, 2023. They might need to show their certificate in the SBI PO Interview. Check SBI PO Selection Process
    3. Candidates having Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.08.2023.
    4. A candidate who possesses the qualification of Chartered Accountant is also eligible to apply for SBI PO 2023.
    5. There is no minimum limit of marks for filling the SBI PO 2023 Application Form.

    Passing Date

    1. The date of passing the eligibility examination will be the date appearing on the mark-sheet or provisional certificate from University/ Institute.
    2. If the result of any Examination is posted on the website of the University/ Institute and a certificate is issued by the appropriate authority of the University/ Institute indicating the date on which the result was posted on the website, it will be taken as the passing date.

    Percentage Calculation

    1. The percentage marks shall be arrived at by dividing the total marks obtained by the candidate in all the subjects in all the semester(s)/ year(s) by aggregate maximum marks in all the subjects irrespective of Honours/ optional/ additional optional subject if any.
    2. The above rule will be applicable for those Universities also where Class/ Grade is decided on basis of Honours marks only.
    3. The fraction of percentage so arrived will be ignored i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60% and 54.99% will be treated as less than 55%.
    4. Candidates should mention the percentage of their graduation degree calculated to the nearest two decimals in the SBI PO 2023 Application Form.
    5. Where CGPA/ OGPA is awarded, the same rule of percentage calculation should be applied and should be indicated in the SBI PO 2023 Application Form.
    6. If called for an interview, the candidate will have to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of these norms.

    SBI PO CUTOFF (2020)

    • SBI PO Prelims Cut Off 2020
    • SBI PO Cut-Off for year 2023 will be declared by State Bank of India after the result of each phase has been declared. Cut-Off for preliminary phase of examination will be declared after the result for the same has been declared. Similarly cut-off for SBI PO Mains Exam will be declared after the result for the same has been declared by State Bank of India.
    • To know the expected SBI PO – Cut off, one must be aware of the Cut-Off for SBI PO 2020. Let's have a look at the same.
    Category Prelims Cut-off (Out of 100 marks)
    General 58.50
    Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 56.75
    Other Backward Caste (OBC) 56
    Scheduled Caste (SC) 50
    Scheduled Tribe (ST) 43.75
    • SBI PO Mains Cut-Off
    Category Main Exam Cut-Off (Out of 250)
    GEN 88.93
    SC 73.83
    ST 66.86
    OBC 80.96
    EWS 84.60
    LD 80.45
    VI 93.08
    HI 63.10
    D & E 63.25
    • SBI PO Final Cut-Off
    Category Final Cut-Off (Normalised to 100)Main Exam Cut-Off (Out of 250)
    GEN 51.23
    SC 44.09
    ST 41.87
    OBC 45.09
    EWS 45.35
    LD 45.27
    VI 51.55
    HI 28.62
    D & E 29.43

    How to Prepare for SBI PO

    SBI PO Preparation

    SBI PO preparation must be done in a systematic manner, with latest exam pattern in mind. Since the syllabus covers a lot of topics, it is important to choose the right study material so that you can understand the concepts and practice a wide variety of questions as well.

    SBI PO 2018 left everyone startled with the unexpected pattern. This is the reason we have decided to provide you with the relevant new pattern questions that were asked in the last year banking exams. New pattern questions are simply the application of concepts in a new form. You just need to practice them a lot so that you don't face issue in SBI PO 2023.

    Candidates should go through previous year SBI questions, so that they have an idea of what to expect in SBI PO 2023. In fact, we have also provided you with an Study Plan for SBI PO Exam. This plan includes all the topics that may be asked this year.

    SBI PO 2023: FAQs


    SBI PO Preparation Strategy 2023

    Candidates must read the important SBI PO Preparation Tips given below to make their study plan more efficient and effective. These pointers will guide the candidates to achieve their goal in less time and with thorough preparation.

    1. Have a thorough knowledge of syllabus & exam pattern: Knowing the syllabus and exam pattern will help you prepare the study plan. You can sort the important topics and start your preparation.
    2.Refer to previous year papers & choose the right books: Go through the previous year papers this will help you to narrow down the syllabus and focus on the most important topics first. Also, refer to the right books to avoid waste of time.
    3.Build a preparation plan and divide your tasks: Calculate the time you have for preparation and prioritize the topics which you need to study. Prepare a time table to achieve your daily goals and allocate more time to the weaker sections of the syllabus.
    4.Prepare notes: Only core reading is not very fruitful. Always make notes of what you read. It has been proven that writing improves memory retention of topics that you read.
    5.Practice: Practice all the important topics with solved examples and questions. Along with practice tests, make a habit to solve various sample papers and previous years question papers to get acquainted with the paper pattern and difficulty level.
    6.Take mock tests to improve: Attempting mock tests will help you to stay on track and learn from your mistakes. After practice, taking a mock test will also give you a hands-on experience of the real exam.
    7.Revise: Revision and consistent practice is the key to crack SBI PO exam in first attempt. Revise all the important topics and go through the shortcuts to solve problems on a daily basis.
    8.Read: Since English language is one of the most important subjects for SBI PO, make a habit to read English newspapers, magazines, and journals. It will improve your vocabulary, grammar and comprehension skills.
    9.Follow the latest news and events: Always be informed about the current affairs and latest news. Focus on financial and banking matters.
    10.Stay healthy & consistent: Working consistently will help you improve your knowledge, skills and confidence. Also, to put these efforts you will have to be healthy physically and also mentally. So, make sure that you do not neglect your health.

    SBI PO – FAQs

    Q1. When is the SBI PO 2023 Notification expected to be out?

    SBI PO 2023-22 Official Notification is expected to be released in the month of September / October, 2023.

    Q2. When is the SBI PO Exam to be conducted?

    The exam date for SBI PO 2023 has not been released yet.

    Q3. What is the full form of SBI PO exam?

    SBI PO stands for State Bank of India Probationary Officer. State Bank of India conducts SBI PO exam for recruiting Probationary Officers once every year. This is the most prestigious exam in bank category examinations.

    Q4. What is the application fee for SBI PO 2023 Exam?

    Application fee for SBI PO 2023 exam varies according to the categories. For General/ OBC category it is INR 750 and Nil SC/ ST.

    Q5. Is the SBI PO Exam Bilingual?

    Except the Descriptive Test for English Language, all the other tests are bilingual, i.e. available in both English and Hindi.

    Is there Negative Marking in SBI PO Exam?

    Yes, there is negative marking for wrong answer in the objective tests of both Preliminary and Mains Exam of SBI PO 2023. One fourth of the total marks allotted for that question will be deducted for marking a wrong answer.

    Are there fixed timings for different sections?

    Yes, Both in Prelims & Mains.

    Will the descriptive test be conducted offline?

    No, the test will be conducted online only. Candidates are therefore advised to practice typing before they appear for the test.

    What is the exam pattern the descriptive test?

    The descriptive test will consist of two questions which include letter and essay. The descriptive test is of maximum 50 marks and must be attempted within 30 minutes duration.

    How much marks has been allotted for PI & GD?

    The maximum marks for Group Discussions (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) are 50 marks

    Download Q Paper


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