IBPS Clerk Exam Date 2023: IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) conducts a common recruitment process (CRP) every year to the recruitment of clerical cadre in multiple banks all over the country. All the public sector banks use CRP as a base to fill the vacancies for this post.
IBPS will be going to conduct the Clerk exam for the 11th year now and hence named IBPS Clerk CRP XI. The IBPS Clerk exam is conducted on two levels- preliminary exam and mains. Students qualifying in both these exams are thus selected for the post. Here, we are discussing the exam notification, application process, syllabus, exam pattern, vacancy, eligibility criteria, selection process, salary and other details of the exam.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Prelims will held in December 2023 & Mains exam will be conducted in January/February 2023. Stay tuned to get notified when IBPS Clerk Exam Dates are announced.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Vacancy
The total number of vacancies for IBPS Clerk 2023 has already been announced by IBPS. In the new IBPS Clerk Notification 2023, the vacancies have been revised to 7855 Clerical Cadre Posts, previously the vacancies were 5830.
- IBPS Clerk Vacancy 2023-24: 7855
- IBPS Clerk Vacancy 2022-23: 2557
- IBPS Clerk Vacancy 2021-22: 12,075
IBPS Clerk State-wise Vacancy 2023
The state-wise & & category-wise vacancies for IBPS Clerk 2023 exam were also been released along with the notification. All candidates have to check state-wise vacancies before applying for IBPS Clerk CRP XI exam. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of vacancies i.e. 1039.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Vacancy State Wise & Category Wise | ||||||
State Name | General | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | Total Vacancies |
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR | 4 | 0 | 0 | 01 | 0 | 05 |
ANDHRA PRADESH | 247 | 20 | 23 | 35 | 62 | 387 |
ARUNACHAL PRADESH | 07 | 0 | 05 | 01 | 0 | 13 |
ASSAM | 84 | 17 | 22 | 51 | 17 | 191 |
BIHAR | 129 | 48 | 03 | 92 | 28 | 300 |
CHANDIGARH | 18 | 03 | 0 | 11 | 01 | 33 |
CHHATTISGARH | 62 | 08 | 29 | 03 | 09 | 111 |
DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI DAMAN & DIU | 03 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 03 |
DELHI (NCR) | 147 | 24 | 28 | 85 | 34 | 318 |
GOA | 32 | 01 | 17 | 04 | 05 | 59 |
GUJARAT | 161 | 23 | 63 | 104 | 44 | 395 |
HARYANA | 89 | 08 | 0 | 20 | 16 | 133 |
HIMACHAL PRADESH | 48 | 25 | 06 | 23 | 11 | 113 |
JAMMU & KASHMIR | 15 | 04 | 02 | 04 | 01 | 26 |
JHARKHAND | 45 | 21 | 26 | 10 | 09 | 111 |
KARNATAKA | 228 | 36 | 38 | 94 | 58 | 454 |
KERALA | 118 | 16 | 01 | 41 | 18 | 194 |
LADAKH | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 03 | 03 |
LAKSHADWEEP | 03 | 0 | 02 | 0 | 0 | 05 |
MADHYA PRADESH | 152 | 63 | 83 | 57 | 34 | 389 |
MAHARASHTRA | 441 | 80 | 107 | 152 | 102 | 882 |
MANIPUR | 03 | 01 | 02 | 0 | 0 | 06 |
MEGHALAYA | 05 | 0 | 02 | 01 | 01 | 09 |
MIZORAM | 03 | 0 | 01 | 0 | 0 | 04 |
NAGALAND | 04 | 0 | 08 | 0 | 01 | 13 |
ODISHA | 132 | 49 | 49 | 35 | 37 | 302 |
PUDUCHERRY | 17 | 04 | 0 | 07 | 02 | 30 |
PUNJAB | 168 | 108 | 0 | 81 | 45 | 402 |
RAJASTHAN | 51 | 29 | 08 | 40 | 14 | 142 |
SIKKIM | 12 | 02 | 05 | 07 | 02 | 28 |
TAMIL NADU | 428 | 133 | 08 | 185 | 89 | 843 |
TELANGANA | 207 | 20 | 16 | 37 | 53 | 333 |
TRIPURA | 04 | 01 | 02 | 0 | 01 | 08 |
UTTAR PRADESH | 431 | 209 | 13 | 263 | 123 | 1039 |
UTTRAKHAND | 33 | 06 | 03 | 11 | 05 | 58 |
WEST BENGAL | 193 | 132 | 24 | 114 | 53 | 516 |
Total | 3724 | 1091 | 596 | 1569 | 878 | 7858 |
IBPS CLERK 2023 Exam
IBPS Clerk Exam Date 2023
The new exam date for IBPS Clerk 2023 exam has been released by IBPS through an official notification on 06th October 2023. You must note down important dates related to IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam and make sure that you complete the process correctly on time. The online examination for IBPC Clerk 2023 prelims exam The schedule of the exam is provided below:
IBPS Clerk 2023: Important Dates | |
Events | Dates |
IBPS Clerk Notification 2023 | 06th October 2023 |
Online Registration Process | 07th October 2023 |
Online Application Ends On | 27th October 2023 |
Call Letter for IBPS Clerk PET | November 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Pre-Exam Training | November 2023 |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Call Letter | November/December 2023 |
Conduct of Online Examination - Preliminary | December 2023 |
Result of IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam | December 2023/January 2023 |
Download of Call letter for Online Exam – Main | December 2023/January 2023 |
Conduct of Online Examination – Main | January/February 2023 |
Declaration of Final (Mains) Result | April 2023 |
IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam Pattern
The IBPS Clerk exam occurs in two stages: Prelims and Mains. Both these papers follow the online method of conducting the written examination. The structure of the exam is as follow:
Phase-1: IBPS Clerk Preliminary Examination
The preliminary exam of IBPS Clerk CRP XI is an online exam testing a candidate on the basis of their aptitude, intellect and English. There are three sections in total and the candidate must clear the cut-off of each section to proceed to the mains exam round.
Candidates are required to solve the question paper in the time frame of 20 minutes for each section. The composite mark of the paper is 100 and the passing marks is decided by IBPS that is likely to change every year depending on the level of difficulty of the exam.
S. No. | Name of Tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 1 Hour |
Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.
Phase-2: IBPS Clerk Mains Examination
No changes have been observed in the Exam Pattern of IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam. IBPS Clerk Mains Exam will now constitute of 190 questions that need to be completed in a time frame of 160 minutes.
Previously, Computer Aptitude and Reasoning Ability Section used to be conducted separately. But, in the recent update by IBPS, both these sections are amalgamated together and will constitute 50 questions that need to be solved in a time duration of 45 minutes. Both Preliminary Exam and Mains Exam will be conducted in 13 regional languages along with English and in Hindi. Let’s have a look at the Exam Pattern for IBPS Clerk CRP-X.
S.No. | Name of Tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 50 | 60 | 45 minutes |
2 | English Language | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 45 minutes |
4 | General/ Financial Awareness | 50 | 50 | 35 minutes |
Total | 190 | 200 | 160 minutes |
Penalty for Wrong Answers: There is a penalty for wrong answers marked in both preliminary examination as well as mains examination. A wrong answer to an objective question will lead to a penalty of one-fourth of the total mark assigned to that question. There will be no penalty for the question left blank or unanswered.
Final Score Calculation for IBPS Clerk Exam:
The final score for the IBPS Clerk exam is calculated keeping the following points in mind:
- Marks obtained in the Preliminary Exam (Phase-1) will not be considered for final selection.
- Candidates must qualify Phase-2 to be eligible for final merit.
- The aggregate score out of 100 is used for the final merit list for each category. Candidates with top merit rank in each category are finally selected.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Syllabus
The major three sections of the preliminary examination are Reasoning, English Language and Numerical Ability. Each of these sections has multiple subheadings to focus on when preparing for IBPS Clerk CRP. The syllabus overview for IBPS Clerk 2023 Prelims and mains exams is given below.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam Syllabus (Pre+Mains)
English Language | Numerical Ability | Reasoning Ability | Computer | General Awareness |
Reading Comprehension | Number Series | Puzzle and Arrangements | History and Generation of Computers | Banking and Insurance Awareness |
Cloze Test | Simplification/ Approximation | Inequality | Introduction to Computer Organisation | Financial Awareness |
Fillers | Quadratic Equations | Syllogism | Computer Hardware and I/O Devices | Govt. Schemes and Policies |
Spotting Errors | Data Interpretation | Coding-Decoding | Computer Languages, Basics of DBMS | Current Affairs |
Sentence Improvement | Data Sufficiency | Blood Relations | Operating System, Internet | Static Awareness |
Fill in the Blanks | Miscellaneous | Direction sense | Computer Network & Security | |
Order and Ranking | MS Office Suit and Short cut keys | |||
Computer Memory, Computer Software | ||||
Number System and Conversions |
Number of Attempts
As per the rules, the maximum number of attempts to sit for the IBPS Clerk examinations is 4 times. However, there are age relaxation facilities given to reserved category candidates as detailed earlier in this article.
IBPS CLERK Exam Eligibility
Age Limit (As on 01.07.2023)• The candidate must be 20 Years to 28 Years. A candidate must have been born not earlier than 02.07.1993 and not later than 01.07.2001 (both dates inclusive).
Relaxation of Upper age limit
There is some relaxation of the upper age limit for special category candidates. The details on it are given below:
Sr.No. | Category | Age relaxation |
1 | Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe | 5 years |
2 | Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 years |
3 | Persons With Disabilities | 10 years |
4 | Ex-Servicemen / Disabled Ex-Servicemen | actual period of service rendered in the defence forces + 3 years (8 years for Disabled ExServicemen belonging to SC/ST) subject to a maximum age limit of 50 years |
5 | Widows, divorced women and women legally separated from their husbands who have not remarried | 9 years |
6 | Persons affected by 1984 riots | 5 years |
7 | Regular employees of the Union Carbide Factory, Bhopal retrenched from service (Applicable to Madhya Pradesh state only) | 5 years |
Educational Qualification:
• A candidate must possess the minimum qualification of Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. The candidate should possess a certificate as proof of passing the qualifying examination.
The candidate must possess a valid Mark-sheet / Degree Certificate that he/ she is a graduate on the day he/she registers and indicate the percentage of marks obtained in Graduation while registering online.
Computer Literacy: Operating and working knowledge in computer systems is mandatory i.e. candidates should have a Certificate/Diploma/Degree in computer operations/Language/ should have studied Computer / Information Technology as one of the subjects in the High School/College/Institute.
Proficiency in the Official Language of the State/UT (candidates should know how to read/ write and speak the Official Language of the State/UT) for which vacancies a candidate wishes to apply is preferable.
IBPS Clerk Negative Marking:
IBPS Clerk has a different marking scheme for prelims and main exams. However, a negative marking of 0.25 of the allotted marks is applicable in both the exams.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Preliminary question paper will be of 100 marks. Each question will carry one mark and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
IBPS CLERK Exam Cutoff 2023
IBPS Clerk 2023 Cut-Off
IBPS releases the IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut-Off & Score Card post the declaration of its result. Candidates can check the cut-off by clicking on the link mentioned below. The Prelims Cut-Off and Score Card will help candidates analyze their score and compare with the score of other candidates.
Let's have a look at the cut-off for IBPS Clerk 2020 Prelims Exam: General Category.
State Name | Cut-Off Marks |
Andhra Pradesh | 78 |
Bihar | 71.25 |
Delhi | 77 |
Gujarat | 72 |
Goa | 53.75 |
Himachal Pradesh | 72 |
J & K | 77.5 |
Jharkhand | 75.75 |
Kerala | 77.25 |
Madhya Pradesh | 77.75 |
Maharshtra | 69.75 |
Odisha | 75 |
Punjab | 75.25 |
Rajasthan | 78.25 |
Karnataka | 65.75 |
Telangana | 74.25 |
Tripura | 59.25 (OBC) |
Uttar Pradesh | 73.5 |
Uttarakhand | 78.50 |
West Bengal | 61.50 |
Tamil Nadu | 71 (OBC) |
IBPS Clerk Preparation
The preparation of the IBPS Clerk CRP exam must be done judiciously keeping in mind the latest pattern and the syllabus of the exam. Since the syllabus covers a large number of topics, it is necessary for the candidates to choose the right set of books to prepare for their examination.
Candidates must also go through previous years’ IBPS Clerk question papers in order to acclimatize to the change in the pattern of the exam and to know the sections from which the questions are majorly asked in the exam. Follow bankersadda.com to get all study materials in the new pattern. Apart from test series, you can also join any Coaching or online test series for self-assessment and better exam preparation.
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IBPS Clerk 2023 Coaching
IBOP You tube Programs are the most extensive coaching program in Banking and SSC verticals in India. Out of every 5 students 3 got selected for Banking jobs in 2020-2023. You can enroll at one of our centres in your respective .and give a kick start to your preparation.
We provide test series for various banks and SSC exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, BANK PO, SBI PO, RBI, NABARD, PSU Banks etc. These test series are well researched and perfectly emulated for the exact exam pattern. Practice Papers are prepared to keep in mind last years exam pattern and expected changes in the pattern and level of questions.
Preparation Strategy
The preparation of the IBPS Clerk CRP exam must be done judiciously keeping in mind the latest pattern and the syllabus of the exam. Since the syllabus covers a large number of topics, it is necessary for the candidates to choose the right set of books to prepare for their examination.
Candidates must also go through previous years’ IBPS Clerk question papers in order to acclimatize to the change in the pattern of the exam and to know the sections from which the questions are majorly asked in the exam. Follow bankersadda.com to get all study materials in the new pattern. Apart from test series, you can also join any Coaching or online test series for self-assessment and better exam preparation.
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The channel name is Exammaniacs.
IBPS Clerk 2023: FAQs
Q.1 What is the exam date of IBPS Clerk 2023 exam?
IBPS Clerk 2023 Prelims will held in December 2023 & Mains exam will be conducted in January/February 2023.
Q2. When did the Official Notification of IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam be released?
The Official Notification for IBPS Clerk 2023 exam will be released at the official website of IBPS i.e. https://ibps.in on 6th October 2023.
Q3. How many vacancies are there in IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam?
A total of 7858 vacancies of Clerks are announced for IBPS Clerk 2023 CRP-XI exam.
Q4. How many bank are participating in this recruitment?
11 public sector bank are participating in IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2023.
Q5. In how many language IBPS Clerk 2023 exam be conducted?
IBPS Clerk 2023 will be conducted in 13 regional languages along with English & Hindi.
Q6. Is there Any Negative Marking in IBPS Clerk Exam?
Yes, there is a negative marking for wrong answers in both preliminary test and mains exam. One-fourth of the total marks will be deducted for the question marked wrong by the candidate.
Q7. Are there fixed timings for different sections?
Yes, Both in Prelims and Mains Exams.
Q8. What is the full form of CRP?
The full form of CRP is Common Recruitment Process.