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    MBA CET 2024

    MBA CET 2024

    The Maharashtra CET (Common Entrance Test) is utilised for MBA/MMS admissions at the reputed B-schools of the State. Since 2021, it has been held annually over three slots (days) in the month of August, but starting in 2023, it will take place over two slots (two days) in the month of March.


    How to prepare for MBA CET 2024

    Generally, the difficulty level of MBA CET is moderate. But with so many aspirants competing for limited admission seats, you need to focus well to ace the exam. As there is no sectional limit in MBA CET, you must decide beforehand about the time to be spent in each section. Here is the probable range of questions from each area, along with the suggested time to be spent on them:

    Section No. of Questions Suggested Time (minutes)
    Logical Reasoning 70-85 60
    Abstract Reasoning 8-25 20
    Verbal Ability 50-55 35
    Quantitative Aptitude 48-60 45


    MBA CET Preparation 2024: Section-wise Strategy

    As you can see from the above tables, MBA -CET features a mix of the usual MBA test contents. However, unlike other entrance tests, questions from different sections are usually jumbled up throughout the MBA CET paper. Below is the analysis of all sections for your MBA CET preparation:

    1. Verbal Ability: The questions from this section are based on: Jumbled paragraphs, Error corrections in sentences, Vocabulary, Sentence completion, Synonyms – Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, phrasal verbs, Synonyms and antonyms, Similar words used in different contexts, Reading Comprehension of unseen passages, completion of paragraphs and One-word substitutions.
      Verbal ability basically requires you to have a strong hold over vocabulary, grammar and reading skills. Make a habit of reading good books and newspapers and try to learn new words and their usage by looking up a standard dictionary. Studying a good Grammar book like Wren & Martin’s High School Grammar and solving the questions therein can help you a lot.


    1. Quantitative Aptitude: The major topics for this section are: Numbers, Ratio – Proportion, Percentage, Numbers, SI & CI, Time – Distance, Height & Distance, Indices & Surds, Geometry, Mensuration, Logarithms, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Time & Work, Profit-Loss, and Data Interpretation – Graphs, Charts, Tables.
      The questions asked are based on elementary mathematics, however, you can solve the practice questions. Do memorise tables, squares and cubes to save time in the test. Mental calculations can help you a lot here. Use approximations, decimal-fractions and percentage techniques to solve quant questions. DI forms the major part of this section. So, do practice 3-4 DI sets daily.


    1. Logical & Abstract Reasoning: This section has the highest weightage in MAH-CET exam. Reasoning questions are usually based on: Series, Input & Output, Directions, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Symbol based Series Completion, Directions, Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Venn Diagrams, Deductions and Coding-Decoding.
      As there are no standard techniques to solve these questions, the only way to ace this area is to practice 15-25 questions daily. Visual reasoning questions are a new addition to this section. It is advised to solve previous year papers and mock tests to get hold of this most important section.


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    CET 2024

    The Maharashtra CET (Common Entrance Test) is utilised for MBA/MMS admissions at the reputed B-schools of the State. Since 2021, it has been held annually over three slots (days) in the month of August, but starting in 2023, it will take place over two slots (two days) in the month of March.


    How to prepare for MAH CET 2024

    Generally, the difficulty level of MAH CET is moderate. But with so many aspirants competing for limited admission seats, you need to focus well to ace the exam. As there is no sectional limit in MAH CET, you must decide beforehand about the time to be spent in each section. Here is the probable range of questions from each area, along with the suggested time to be spent on them:

    Section No. of Questions Suggested Time (minutes)
    Logical Reasoning 70-85 60
    Abstract Reasoning 8-25 20
    Verbal Ability 50-55 35
    Quantitative Aptitude 48-60 45


    MAH CET Preparation 2024: Section-wise Strategy

    As you can see from the above tables, MAH-CET features a mix of the usual MBA test contents. However, unlike other entrance tests, questions from different sections are usually jumbled up throughout the MAH CET paper. Below is the analysis of all sections for your MBA CET preparation:

    1. Verbal Ability: The questions from this section are based on: Jumbled paragraphs, Error corrections in sentences, Vocabulary, Sentence completion, Synonyms – Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases, phrasal verbs, Synonyms and antonyms, Similar words used in different contexts, Reading Comprehension of unseen passages, completion of paragraphs and One-word substitutions.
      Verbal ability basically requires you to have a strong hold over vocabulary, grammar and reading skills. Make a habit of reading good books and newspapers and try to learn new words and their usage by looking up a standard dictionary. Studying a good Grammar book like Wren & Martin’s High School Grammar and solving the questions therein can help you a lot.


    1. Quantitative Aptitude: The major topics for this section are: Numbers, Ratio – Proportion, Percentage, Numbers, SI & CI, Time – Distance, Height & Distance, Indices & Surds, Geometry, Mensuration, Logarithms, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Time & Work, Profit-Loss, and Data Interpretation – Graphs, Charts, Tables.
      The questions asked are based on elementary mathematics, however, you can solve the practice questions. Do memorise tables, squares and cubes to save time in the test. Mental calculations can help you a lot here. Use approximations, decimal-fractions and percentage techniques to solve quant questions. DI forms the major part of this section. So, do practice 3-4 DI sets daily.


    1. Logical & Abstract Reasoning: This section has the highest weightage in MAH-CET exam. Reasoning questions are usually based on: Series, Input & Output, Directions, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Symbol based Series Completion, Directions, Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Venn Diagrams, Deductions and Coding-Decoding.
      As there are no standard techniques to solve these questions, the only way to ace this area is to practice 15-25 questions daily. Visual reasoning questions are a new addition to this section. It is advised to solve previous year papers and mock tests to get hold of this most important section.


    Speak To Our MBA Expert & Book Your Demo Lecture Today – 9137211317


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