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    Railway Recruitment Board conducts Railway NTPC and other railway examinations giving candidates a golden opportunity to fulfill their dream of joining the prestigious Government Sector (Indian Railways) in India.

    RRB NTPC Preparation Tips : RRB NTPC exam is conducted to select eligible candidates for Non-Technical Popular Categories posts such as Assistant Station Master, Traffic Assistant, Commercial Apprentice, Traffic Apprentice, Goods Guard, etc. RRB NTPC exam is one of the most sought-after railway exams in the country as it offers good career growth opportunities. RRB NTPC exam is conducted in various stages such as first Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Second Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable), and Document Verification/Medical Examination. It is significantly important for candidates to prepare for the RRB NTPC Exam smartly. Candidates need to put in their best efforts and work hard to secure a job in the Indian Railways. Shiksha brings to you a few RRB NTPC preparation tips, which must be followed to crack the exam.


    RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2022-23

    RRB NTPC Selection Process 2022-23

    The recruitment process shall involve 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable) and Document Verification/Medical Examination. Selection is made strictly as per merit, on the basis of the above-mentioned recruitment stages.

    The recruitment process will involve the following stages of examination:

    • 1. 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
    • 2. 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
    • 3. Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable)
    • 4. Document Verification/Medical Examination

    Based on the performance of candidates in the Stage-1 and Stage-2 exam, they would be required to go for the Skill Test/Aptitude Test/Document Verification. There are different tests for candidates appearing for posts such as:

    RRB NTPC Selection Process Summary:
    Sl. No. Name of the post Level in 7th CPC 1st stage CBT 2nd stage CBT Skill Test requirement
    1 Junior Clerk cum Typist 2 Common for all posts Common For all Level 2 Posts Typing Skill Test
    2 Accounts Clerk cum
    2 Typing Skill Test
    3 Junior Time Keeper 2 Typing Skill Test
    4 Trains Clerk 2 ——
    5 Commercial cum Ticket Clerk 3 Separate for Level 3 post ——
    6 Traffic Assistant 4 Separate for Level 4 post Computer Based Aptitude Test
    7 Goods Guard 5 Common For all Level 5 posts ——
    8 Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk 5 ——
    9 Senior Clerk cum Typist 5 Typing Skill Test
    10 Junior Account Assistant cum Typist 5 Typing Skill Test
    11 Senior Time Keeper 5 Typing Skill Test
    12 Commercial Apprentice 6 Common For all Level 6 posts ——
    13 Station Master 6 Computer Based Aptitude Test


    RRB NTPC Stage-1 Exam Pattern
    Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
    Mathematics 30 30 90 minutes
    General Intelligence and Reasoning 30 30
    General Awareness 40 40
    Total 100 100

    Minimum percentage of marks for eligibility in various categories: UR-40%, EWS40%, OBC (Non creamy layer) -30%, SC-30%, ST-25%. These percentages of marks for eligibility may be relaxed by 2% for PwBD candidates in case of a shortage of PwBD candidates against vacancies reserved for them.

    The exam duration for PWD candidates is 120 Minutes.

    There will be negative marking and 1/3 mark shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

    The 1st Stage CBT is of a screening nature and the standard of questions for the CBT will be generally in conformity with the educational standards prescribed for the posts.

    Total no. of candidates to be shortlisted shall be 20 times the community wise vacancies of posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in 1st Stage CBT cum choice of posts.

    The normalized score of 1st Stage CBT shall be used for shortlisting of candidates for 2nd Stage CBT as per their merit. Candidates who are shortlisted for 2nd Stage CBT availing the reservation benefits of OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM shall continue to be considered only against OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/EWS, PwBD and ExSM for all subsequent stages of the recruitment process.

    RRB NTPC Stage-2 Exam Pattern
    Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
    Mathematics 35 35 90 minutes
    General Intelligence and Reasoning 35 35
    General Awareness 50 50
    Total 120 120

    The exam duration for PWD candidates is 120 Minutes.

    A negative marking of 1/3 is there.

    The level of questions will be different for the different level of posts.

    Normalization of marks will be done.

    RRB NTPC Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) 2022-23

    (Only for candidates who have opted for Traffic Assistant and Station Master)

    Qualifying marks: The candidates need to secure a minimum T-Score of 42 marks in each of the test batteries to qualify.

    This is applicable to all candidates irrespective of community or category and no relaxation in the minimum T- Score is permissible.

    Candidates will have to qualify in each of the test batteries of CBAT for considering them for the post of SM/TA.

    The CBAT shall have questions and answer options only in English and Hindi.

    There shall be no negative marking in CBAT.

    Merit list will be drawn only from amongst the candidates qualifying in the CBAT, with 70% weightage for the marks obtained in the 2nd Stage CBT and 30% weightage for the marks obtained in CBAT.

    Typing Skill Test (TST) 2022-23

    Qualifying in nature.

    Eight times the number of vacancies will be called for typing test.

    The candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Personal Computer only without editing tools and spell check facility.

    Document Verification (DV)2022-23

    Based on the performance of candidates in 2nd Stage CBT and based on the performance of candidates in both 2nd Stage CBT and CBAT/TST (as applicable), candidates equal to the number of vacancies will be called for Document Verification as per their merit and options.


    RRB NTPC Preparation For General Science 2022-23

    The General Science section contains questions from basic science – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. In order to prepare for this section, brush up the Science textbooks of high school level (Class 9 and 10). You can refer to the NCERT Textbooks of the respective subjects for this purpose. Make sure you have a clear understanding of all the concepts and topics. Having a good level of conceptual knowledge of the subjects itself will fetch you good marks. Also, the various formulas, reactions, equations, reactions, and other details should be at your fingertips. Practice questions for every chapter to see how well you have understood and memorized the concepts in that chapter.

    For more information Speak to our RRB Expert today.

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