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    Competitive Exam Preparation

    Cracking competitive exams is the only way to gain entry into lucrative jobs. So, here are some of the useful tips  by IBOP Academy on how to prepare for competitive exams

    Preparation Strategy for Competitive Exams

    There are several questions, which come into a candidate’s mind before starting the preparation for the competitive exams. These questions may include:

    1. How to start the Government Exam preparation?
    2. What strategy should I follow?
    3. Can I prepare for Govt exams at home?
    4. Can I crack the Government exams in the first attempt?
    5. What are the tips to crack the competitive exams?
    6. What are the important topics and syllabus for the exam?
    7. What strategy and approach to use for the preparation of Government exams?

    And the list of questions goes on and on. So, to ensure that a candidate follows the best approach, we bring to you 11 key strategies to crack the upcoming Government exams:

    1. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals – Here S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound. One must keep all these five goals in mind when strategising a study plan. Do not overburden yourself and set achievable goals
    2. Self Management vs Time Management – Ensure that you set targets which you can achieve. Manage your schedule in a manner that sufficient time can be dedicated to the preparation
    3. Attend Online/ Offline Classes Regularly – Choosing either online or offline classes in a candidate’s decision but they must ensure that either way they attend the classes on a regular basis and any kind of ignorant behaviour shall affect their preparation
    4. Revise on a Daily Basis – In most cases, it has been observed that one may understand the topic when being taught but due to lack of revision may end up forgetting such concepts. Thus revising things on a daily basis is a must
    5. Solve Time-Bound Exercises, Mock Tests & Model Papers – This will give an examination kind of atmosphere and a better understanding of the type of questions which may be asked
    6. Raise Doubts or Questions if any – Mostly it has been observed that candidates hesitate to ask questions for various reasons but this may act as a hindrance for any competitive exam aspirant. Always ask doubts or questions, if any to ensure that the concepts are extremely clear
    7. Choose Coaching/ Institutes/ Teachers Wisely – Choose the books, study material and resources wisely. Ensure that either online or offline, sufficient study material is provided, separate time for clearing doubts is given and proper revision and tests are conducted
    8. Get Your Concepts Clear – The key to answering any questions is by having conceptual clarity. Ensure that every part of the concept is clear and understandable
    9. Focus – Even if a candidate manages to devote 3 to 4 hours a day for preparation, an absolute focussed study must be done during this time. No kind of distractions must be entertained
    10. Solve Previous Year Question Papers – To understand the standard of exam and the exam pattern, the best solution is referring to the previous year question papers
    11. Be Regular, Well Planned & Disciplined – Having a proper study plan is a must. It is important that before one starts the preparation, he/she is well aware of the subjects, topics, exam pattern and the selection process for the respective exams so strategise a time table devoting equal time to all subjects


    Cracking competitive exams is the only way to gain entry into lucrative jobs in the government sector. A mixture of regular study and extracurricular activities, including group discussions, helps you to excel in these exams. One should have a clear focus and planned routine of study. In order to crack interviews, one must discuss current affairs and general knowledge with peers.


    So, here are some of the useful tips  by IBOP Academy on how to prepare for competitive exams:

    1. Plan Well

    A well-laid plan means half of the job is done. Familiarize yourself with a schedule of exams that you are attempting. Calculate time and create a proper study plan.

    2. Time Management

    It is important to manage your time wisely and smartly in order to achieve success. In order to avoid chaos and distractions in your daily routine separate some time for study, recreation, and various other activities. Try to make the optimum use of your time.

    3. Choose subjects wisely

    It is important to wisely choose the subject you find yourself most comfortable in. Many students have described this as a crucial point in order to attain success.

    4. Shorter Study

    Studying till the last minute would only lead to stress, exhaustion, and even confusion. Before formulating your study plan, pick the examination syllabus and measure your comfort level in each section. Students should give extra time to weak areas on a daily basis rather than in one go.

    5. Mock Papers

    Practicing previous year sample papers would be really helpful. This will give you an idea about the exam pattern and would force you to practice within the given time frame. Solving sample test papers would also improve your speed and time management skills.

    6. Motivation

    Draw motivation from teachers, seniors, family members, and so on. Always remember that motivation will always inspire you to attain goals. In addition, interviews of past toppers in competitive examinations should be carefully studied and important tips and instructions should be implemented.

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