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    CDS Exam Syllabus 2023

    CDS Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 are discussed in the article. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the “Combined Defence Services” (CDS) Examination twice a year for recruiting candidates for the Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Indian Air Force Academy. The CDS 1 Notification 2023 is expected to be released in December, and the examination will be conducted in February 2023. Only unmarried graduates are eligible to sit for the exam. Successful candidates are admitted into the respective Academies after an interview conducted by the Services Selection Board ( SSB ). To clear the examination, first, you need the complete information of the pattern, syllabus and previous year exam analysis so that it would become easy for you to analyse the examination and prepare a strategy further.


    CDS Syllabus 2023- Overview

    CDS Exam will be conducted in offline mode and there will be Multiple Choice Questions asked in the examination.


    The main topics of the CDS syllabus are Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Economics, History, Number systems, Percentages etc. The aspirants must read the entire page and jot down the important topics of the CDS syllabus 2023. It comprises the following sections for IAFA, INA and IMA posts, which are as follows:


    General Knowledge

    Elementary Mathematics

    For the OTA posts, the aspirants are screened based on their knowledge of English and General Knowledge subjects.


    CDS OTA Syllabus

    The Combined Defence Services exam is conducted to recruit eligible candidates into the Indian Naval Academy (INA), Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Air Force Academy (IAFA), and Officers Training Academy (OTA). The CDS OTS syllabus consists of two papers on English and General Knowledge with 100 marks each. Each paper has to be completed within 2 hours. Check the subject-wise CDS OTA syllabus for the papers mentioned above in the sections below.


    CDS Syllabus for General Knowledge

    This section screens the candidates based on their knowledge of the current happenings in the world. The applicants need to be vigilant about the current affairs happening in the world. The questions usually are centred on the topics like Indian History, Polity, Economics, General Science etc. The table underneath elucidates the complete knowledge of the UPSC


    CDS syllabus of the General Knowledge.

    Topic Description
    Current Affairs Cover news of important international and national summits/ conferences, awards, sports-related news, books, and authors, etc.
    Political Science Important facts of the Indian constitution, fundamental rights, and directive principles, powers of the president and prime minister, constitutional bodies, Indian judiciary, etc.
    Indian History Questions may be asked from Ancient, Medieval and Modern India.
    Indian Polity Prepare important facts of Indian as well as world geography.
    Economics Prepare topics like Budget, Five-year plan, foreign trade, etc.
    General Science Physics: Focus on topics like optics, motion, force, units, heat, electricity, temperature, etc.

    Chemistry: Prepare important topics of organic, inorganic, physical and general chemistry.

    Biology: Focus on the topics of important diseases, botany, zoology as well as human biology.

    Defence Related News Questions in this section may be asked about important defence-related topics like Army Day, Navy Day, recent developments, etc.


    CDS English Syllabus

    This section is usually considered to be difficult by the candidates, but if the essential segments of the CDS syllabus are approached with righteous strategy then the candidates can smoothly crack this section. This section screens the candidates on the basis of their grammatical knacks and English Language knowledge. By steering through the under-noted topics of the CDS English syllabus, candidates can pick out their strengths and weaknesses and schedule their preparations accordingly.

    Fill in the blanks

    Reading Comprehension

    Vocabulary (Synonyms/ Antonyms/ Phrases)

    Sentence Rearrangement (Jumbled sentences)

    Spotting Error

    Sentence Improvement/ Correction


    CDS Syllabus for Mathematics

    The main topics of the CDS Syllabus for Elementary Mathematics are Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Geometry, Mensuration, Statistics, etc. This section requires consistent practice and dedicated efforts to enhance the preparation and the results. The applicants need to maintain accuracy and pace to solve these questions within the time constraints and achieve the desired results. The major topics along with the elucidated description have been provided herewith. Steer through the below-mentioned points to get in touch with the elaborate CDS Maths syllabus for the upcoming exam preparation.

    Topic Description
    Arithmetic Number System (natural, integers, rational & real numbers), Fundamental operations (subtraction, addition, division, multiplication), Unitary Method, Percentages, Time & Work, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Distance, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & loss, Elementary number theory, Composite & prime numbers, Divisibility tests, Theorem of factorisation, Factors & Multiples, Euclidean algorithm, laws of algorithm & algorithmic tables, etc.
    Algebra Basic operations, Remainder theorem, L.C.M. & H.C.F., Polynomial theories, Quadratic equations (relation between roots & its coefficients), Linear equations in 2 variables, Set language and set notation, Laws of indices, Conditional identities, Rational Expressions, etc.
    Trigonometry All about Sine a, Cos a, Tan a when 0° < a < 90°, Sin, Cos and Tan values of important angles like 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°, Simple trigonometric identities, Trigonometric tables, Heights and distance, etc.
    Geometry Plane & plane figures, Lines, and angles, Important theorems (like angle property based), Parallel lines, Congruency of triangles, Medians & Altitudes, Similar triangles, Parallelogram, Circles, Rectangle, Square, etc.
    Mensuration Areas of circles, Triangles, Rectangles, Squares, Parallelograms, Volume, Surface area of cuboids, Cones, Cylinders, Spheres, etc.
    Statistics Tabulation of statistical data, Graphical representation of frequency polygons, Bar graphs, Histograms, Pie charts, Measures of central tendency, etc.


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