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    CAT 2021 :Exam Date(November 28), Registration Starts, Eligibility, Syllabus, Paper Pattern, How to study

    CAT 2021: Exam Date (November 28), Registration Starts, Eligibility, Syllabus, Paper Pattern, How to study:

    August 2021 Update : In an important announcement on August 18, 2021, IIM  Ahmedabad has made many changes in CAT 2021 eligibility criteria and has done away with minimum percentage requirement in graduation marks.

    Responding to several queries that IIM Ahmedabad received from candidates regarding their candidature due to the “promotion/pass” certificate awarded instead of the “marks” certificates in the last two years (pandemic years) of their bachelor’s program, CAT centre has made following changes in CAT 2021 eligibility requirement.

    Revised Eligibility Criteria for CAT 2021
    Currently, CAT application requires candidates to meet eligibility criteria of at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (45% in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Persons with Disability (PwD) categories). This has raised queries in the application process for CAT 2021. In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and resulting disruptions in the evaluations across the country, the CAT Committee has made the following exceptions for CAT2021:

    Candidates in the final year: Candidates with “promotion/pass” instead of “award of marks” certificates in any of the last two years of the bachelor’s program can enter the “Promotion or Pass” option in the application form. This will allow the candidate to complete & submit the CAT2021 application form, despite the requirements of minimum eligibility criteria (45% and 50% [or equivalent CGPA] respectively). This eligibility relaxation is also applicable to those final year students with “award” of marks.  This exception is available only to candidates who are completing the bachelor’s degree  this year or are in the final year bachelor’s’ programme (graduation years – 2021 and 2022)

    Candidates graduated in 2020 and 2021: Due to the implementation of point 1, and considering that there could be different evaluation patterns adopted by different universities across the country due to covid-19 pandemic, the CAT Committee has decided to remove the minimum percentage of marks (45% and 50% [or equivalent CGPA] respectively) for appearing for the CAT2021 exam.  This exception is made to ensure parity to candidates who have completed the  bachelor’s degree in 2020 and 2021.

    This announcement is only applicable on the eligibility criteria for writing the CAT 2021. CAT centre has advised the candidates to look at and follow respective institution specific admission policy

    For those who completed their graduation earlier, the CAT eligibility criteria for CAT 2021 which was released on August 1, will be applicable.

    CAT 2021 exam registration last date closes on September 15, 2021 at 5 PM. CAT exam convener at IIM Ahmedabad has advised the candidates to apply early for CAT exam to avoid any last minute glitches. CAT exam registration and application process had started Online on August 4, 2021 at 10 AM with a registration fee of Rs.2200/-. CAT registration guide has also been released by IIM Ahmedabad and all the important points about the CAT application process are covered in the Official Notification Of CAT 2021 on

    Please note that after completing the primary registration, you will get registration ID and password. With this you can fill up the CAT application form. CAT 2021 exam date is November 28, 2021 and the exam will be held in three slots on the same day with a time duration of 2 hours for each slot.


    CAT 2021: 10 Key Changes in Exam Pattern & Registration Process
    In its Media Release on CAT 2021 exam, IIM Ahmedabad, which is conducting CAT 2021 has shared updated information about CAT 2021 exam dates, registration dates, test pattern among other details


    1. CAT Exam Date: CAT 2021 Exam will be held in three sessions on Sunday, November 28, 2021-Morning, Afternoon and Evening


    2. CAT Registration 2021 Dates: Application process for CAT 2021 has started on August 4 at 10 AM and will close on September 15, 2021 at 5 PM


    3. CAT 2021 Registration Fee: CAT 2021 Registration Fee is Rs.2200/- for General & OBC-NC and Rs.1100/- for Reserved category


    4. CAT Test Duration: CAT 2021 Exam duration 2021 for each session will be of 2 hours (120 Minutes)


    5. Total CAT Questions: CAT question paper will have 76 questions


    6. No. of Sections in CAT 2021 Exam: CAT 2021 test paper will be divided into 3 sections as below:

    • Section-1: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension: 26 Questions
    • Section-2: Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR): 24 Questions
    • Section-3: Quantitative Ability (QA): 26Questions

    7. CAT Sectional Time Limit: Each Section will have individual time limit of 40 Minutes


    8. CAT 2021 in 158 Cities: CAT Exam 2021 will be held in 158 Test Cities


    9. Choice of 6 Test Cities: You can choose 6 preferred test cities from the list of 158 cities


    10. Registration Form Edit Window: After the closure of the registration window, CAT Centre 2021 will open the CAT Registration form edit window for 1-2 days. Candidates will be able to edit the following fields in the application form (if required) –  1. Photograph 2. Signature 3. Test City Preferences.


    IIM Ahmedabad, which is convening CAT 2021 released the CAT exam notification and also launched the official CAT website on August 1, 2021. Earlier CAT 2021 Advertisement used to be released on last Sunday of July, this year the CAT notification is released a little late.

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