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    Banking Exam (CLERICAL/PO/SO )

    Indian banks conduct exams for the following cadres:

    1. Bank Probationary Officers (PO)
    2. Bank Clerks or Probationary Clerks
    3. Bank Specialist Officers (SO)


    1.Career as a Bank Clerk:

    A bank clerk enjoys job security, challenging work environment, opportunity to strengthen customer relation skills, using best available technology and working to learn under worthy senior officers. He is trained on the job and at the Bank’s Staff Training Colleges and given opportunity through departmental exams of the bank or otherwise to rise to the higher levels of management in the bank. He gets the opportunity of life-long learning in Banking, Finance, Management and other areas of his choice through various national level institutions set up for Bankers’ education. One need not be surprised to find many senior staffs in most of the branches of various banks as well as at the Regional, Zonal and Head Offices of the banks who had joined the bank in the clerical cadre.


    2.Career as a Bank Probationary Officer (PO):

    A Probationary Officer’s post is the entry to the most coveted managerial positions in the banking industry. A P.O. starts as a trainee officer in the Junior Management Grade Service (JMGS) of the bank and can rise to the highest grades of the bank in his career becoming a General Manager, a Director or even the Chairman of the Bank

    Needless to say, a Bank PO’s position is seen with tremendous respect in the society as it secures a life long opportunity to grow, prosper and serve the society in a senior and responsible position in the Banking industry. And, therefore, every Bank P.O. Exam attracts lakhs of talented graduates, post-graduates and professionals to compete for a few hundred or thousand vacancies notified by the banks.


    3.Career as a Bank Specialist Officer (SO):

    Banks also conduct recruitment exams for Specialist Officers cadre to man their finance, legal, human resources, marketing, systems and other departments which are open to candidates having requisite professional qualifications in engineering, chartered accountancy, law or a degree in MBA, MCA,…. etc.


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